Thursday 29 December 2011

Our Shining Stars

What with only having 2 weeks notice to move out of the country and then arriving back 4 days before Christmas, we have got a little behind with the blog (I can't think why.) We will finish the blog when we finish visiting our link up churches, but in the meantime, we can fill you in on the action packed time that we had in December.  

One of the joys of December was the shows that Daniel and Sophia were a part of.  Daniel's school show didn't have a Christmas theme, but was a fascinating insight into Peruvian culture.  The show began with a young girl making an offering to Pacha Mamita (Mother Earth).  While she was sleeping, she was whicked away to the jungle where she was visited by various jungle creatures.  Then she fought with an enemy and was healed, returning to her home and grandfather, where there was traditional Peruvian music and dancing.  Not your average nativity, then.  Daniel was an otorongo, a jungle cat, and he did an excellent job!  He had been practicing for weeks and he had a fantastic costume.  We have the DVD which is worth a watch in our opinion, although as parents of one of the actors, we may be a bit biased.

 His show was also on my birthday, so we had a great lunch at Jack's Cafe, Daniel's favourite place in the centre.  Our friends Sophie and Chris were staying with us, so we had a great weekend, before finding out on the Monday that we needed to return to the UK.

A few days before we left, Sophia starred in a nativity at her nursery.She was, of course, an angel, although in Peru, it isn't the blonde haired children that are typecast as angels, as blonde hair is very rare!  As can be imagined, Sophia attracted even more attention than usual walking through the streets of Cusco on the way to the nursery.

The Nativity was full of colour, with some very Peruvian looking shepherds and Mary and Joseph.  The following Sunday, we had a nativity at church where Daniel was Joseph and Sophia was an angel - we already had a costume!  The children were always very excited to be involved in drama at church and this was no exception.  It was slightly crazy, as the narrator was late and we had to arrange a fill in at short notice.  But, as ever, it was alright on the night although we have no photos as we were too busy being a shepherd and a king...

In the next exciting pre-Christmas instalment, we will report on the chocolatada and the hospital, and by mid 2012, we should be up-to-date. Merry Christmas, by the way.

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